Our new Direct Local Marketplace is now open to businesses and co-ops! Register and get your FREE online and mobile store on the Direct Local App.
Direct Global is a technology company focused on developing and operating platforms that allow purchasers to leverage their collective purchasing power to reduce the cost of procuring raw materials, finished goods and services. The company’s proprietary web-based platform enables organizations to create opportunities in real time for joint purchasing to harness their collective purchasing power.
Direct Global Buying Corp. has 20,000 small and medium sized businesses collectively buying and selling within its network and taking advantage of their collective pricing power. With a background in advocating for ‘mom and pop shops’, Direct Global focuses on helping small and medium-sized businesses.
The DREAM is scaling up using the co-operative model, which will allow member-based organizations to collaborate democratically and achieve purchasing efficiencies for their members that match big box and big platform competitors.
The Direct Co-operative initiative leverages the Direct Global platform to network and unite the buying power of the members of member-based associations and co-operatives who share common interests and believe in principles of fairness.
Direct Co-op aggregates the demand of its members (most of whom are group purchasers or participate in group purchasing themselves) in a way that brings purchasing power and efficient shipping to participants of all sizes and from all sectors.
Direct Global is the Canadian strategic partner to the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council and an ecommerce partner to NCBA-CLUSA (currently launching a pilot with the co-ops of Peru), America's oldest co-operative association representing 1 in 3 Americans, as well as the exclusive ecommerce platform to the US Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce. It has been featured on Bloomberg-BNN, Yahoo! Finance, Business Insider and received mention in “Everything for Everyone”, Nathan Schneider’s seminal text on the modern business co-operative movement.
Download the Direct Local app today!

Save on your everyday purchases from qualified vendors in USA & Canada. Save 5 cents/liter off Esso gas, more than 75% off UPS shipping, 70% off Staples office supplies, 25% off Sprint plans and much more!

Vote on the products you need together with other businesses and once 1,000 businesses have voted, we will negotiate the lowest prices for your buying group. You can nominate your own products too!
We Are Strong When We Come Together!
Together WE CAN make a DIFFERENCE!
It's Pretty
By combining our buying power with other small businesses like yours, we can negotiate lower purchasing prices for the products we need to run our businesses and what we sell to our customers.
The more members that join, the better prices we can get!
Our group voting platform allows our members to select or recommend items for group purchase. If you do not see the items you need, you can 'Nominate' your products to start a buying group and we will add them for other businesses to vote on.
Here's how it works:
Vote on products together with other businesses to join a buying group.
We source the products and negotiate better wholesale prices with qualified vendors.
We confirm and place your order at the new group volume price.
We deliver your order straight to your door or you pick it up from a nearby UPS store.

Let's use this simple LED light bulbs example. Today, at any of the hardware stores, energy efficient light bulbs cost approximately $9 per unit. By just 1000 of us coming together as a buying group, we will reduce the price by over 75%. Imagine all products are made cheaper by us coming together. Now, let's apply the same way of cooperation to all the products that you need to run your business down to products you retail to your customers.
Here are some examples of the products and services we have negotiated great prices on for our members:

Can the co-op model help local businesses compete with Uber and Amazon?
Toronto's Direct Co-ops has ambitious plans to launch a co-op marketplace app, a driver-owned ride-hailing service and more […]

Direct Global/Direct Co-ops and Local Driver Co-op to Launch the Only Sustainable Solution for Small...
Due to COVID-19, hundreds of thousands of small businesses have been destroyed due to the lockdowns and the gig economy...[…]

Global commerce platform for co-ops prepares for pilot project
US apex body NCBA CLUSA has partnered with Direct Global on the venture to help co-ops achieve scale and leverage[…]

NCBA CLUSA & Direct Global/Direct Co-ops Sign MOU for an Ecommerce Platform
A new partnership between Direct Global/Direct Co-ops and the National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA International […]
Direct Co-ops has been privileged to work with outstanding individuals and institutions, dedicated to helping small business communities prosper. Here is what some of them have to say about us:
"We commend Direct Co-ops on the wonderful work that you are doing by helping small and medium sized businesses and all of the ways in which you are positively impacting entrepreneurs!"
Jasmin Ganie-Hobbs
Business Development Bank of Canada

"Coordinating businesses like this is a proven strategy – and the future of our communities depends on it."
Nathan Schneider
Journalist, author and leader of the platform cooperative movement

"After researching all the competitive payment processing rates out there, Direct Co-ops not only beat what was offered to us but also provided outstanding customer service from start to finish"
Nader Marzouk
A&W Canada

"In comparison to all the health benefit programs out there, the Direct Benefits hands down was the most affordable and with the addition of access to discounted drugs, made it the smartest choice by far, let alone all the other discounts."
Farhan Abbas
Popeye’s Louisiana Kitchen

"I’m excited Direct Co-ops has been able to lower the cost of the supplies for small businesses"
Jeff Lao
St. Louis Wings and Ribs

"We applaud Direct Co-ops for driving support for the success of the small business operator. Their drive and ambition to boost and focus on this important sector greatly contributes to the local community and overall economy."
Tony Elenis, President and CEO
Ontario Restaurant Hotel and Motel Association (ORHMA)

"Direct Co-ops has the vision to disrupt extractive, big-box and online retailers and keep local SME’s flourishing through collective purchasing. Working together cooperatively is not a new idea, but it’s being made new by the power of digital platforms and apps that make aggregating purchases simple and seamless. If you aren’t yet cheering for Direct Co-ops to succeed, you may not realize how big a problem it is that they are trying to solve."
Brendan Denovan
Cooperatives and Mutuals Canada

"The Direct Initiative is a great way of supporting independent business. Independent businesses are the backbone of our middle class so it gives people the opportunity to keep our middle class strong."
Mike Shepherd
Founder of Big Fat Burrito, Chair of BIA Kensington Market

"I believe that having other people to mentor you is one of the most important things, especially if you’re starting up a business."
Mary Sue Rankin
Founder of Edward Day Gallery

"Our business has a multitude of arms; hedge fund, TV and Radio products, investing, beauty and anti-aging. And I don't think that our small business could be much smaller (a hand full of talented devotees). Direct Co-ops has shown us how to lower our operating costs STILL so that when we FLY, it will be so high, we will have to come down for air!"
Steve Anthony
Radio and Television broadcaster (MuchMusic, CP24)

"Think outside the Box, the Big Box: A powerful inspiring Community Anthem of Hope for any Startup, Coop, Small Enterprise or struggling Community. In an age where despondency and despair are commonplace around us; where hopelessness is the common currency of many unemployed youth of the world; where negativity that surrounds us is fed on a daily diet of the fall out from gross Inequality – this is a get up and go tune that would inspire any young person… and older person too, those with the spirit of youth still left in them. While the idea might not be new, the inspiration provided most certainly is… and the future is very bright for any Community grasping this modern day youthful Coop message of unbounded hope."
Richard O’Farrell

"I’m very happy that 416Direct is here and I hope more cities can take advantage of 416Direct."
Ashutosh Jha
Founder of Smoke 180

"Direct Co-ops have restored my faith in customer service. After being with the big companies for years I was disillusioned with their service and getting ripped off with overpriced items. Now with Direct Co-ops I can trust they will do a great job in taking care of all of my business needs. Thanks Direct Co-ops for putting the customers needs first!"
Maurizio Galli
Solita Cafe